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Free Consultations | No Fee Unless We Win | Aggressive Representation

Tricks insurance companies use after a car accident

After you are injured in a car accident, you expect your insurance company to be there to help you. The point of paying insurance premiums is so money is available to pay back to you to cover costs after a car accident.

Although the goal of insurance companies should be to provide you with a fair settlement, this is not always what they do. Often, their true goal is to settle your case as fast as possible for as little money as possible.

There are many tactics insurance companies use to accomplish this goal. You may be in pain after an accident, struggling financially and feeling confused, overwhelmed and depressed.

Insurance companies know this and can take advantage of your situation, knowing that you are in no position to negotiate a settlement.

Here are some of the most common tricks insurance companies use after an accident. Knowing these can help you identify them when they occur and fight back.

Getting you to admit fault

Insurance companies will try to get you to admit fault for the accident. If they cannot get you to admit you are responsible for the entire accident, they will ask you questions or attempt to get statements showing your own actions contributed to the accident.

An insurance adjuster may ask leading or open-ended questions or ask you to explain in detail what happened, hoping you will say something that they can use as evidence of fault.

Texas uses a modified comparative negligence standard. This means your compensation is reduced based on your own percentage of fault. If you are more than 51% at fault you cannot recover any compensation.

Therefore, the more fault the insurance company can place on you for the accident, the less they must pay you.

Claiming your injuries were pre-existing or are exaggerated

Another common trick is to say your injuries were pre-existing. You cannot recover compensation from pre-existing injuries.

However, you can recover compensation if the accident makes a pre-existing injury worse. Be honest with your doctor after the accident. Tell them about any pre-existing injuries but also tell them if the accident caused any new symptoms or if the injuries have gotten worse since the accident.

Insurance companies may claim you are exaggerating your injuries. Whether you have new injuries from an accident or pre-existing injuries that worsened, insurance companies will try anything to show that your injuries are not as bad as you claim.

They will sometimes hire medical experts to testify that your injuries are exaggerated. They may even go through your social media accounts to find posts or pictures to show you are not in as much pain as you say.

Your medical records will be scrutinized. Any missed doctor’s appointments, gaps in treatment or evidence that you did not follow a doctor’s orders will be used to show your injuries are not that bad.

Seek immediate treatment for injuries, attend all your doctor’s appointments and always follow your doctor’s instructions. It is best to stay off social media while your personal injury case is pending. Consider disabling your social media accounts altogether.

Remember that you have rights that must be protected after a car accident. Having someone on your side to fight for you can help you receive full and fair compensation.

