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Tips for pedestrian safety while on vacation in Texas

Texas is a great place for a vacation, with its bustling cities, beautiful parks, and unique attractions. Whether you’re exploring the streets of Austin or strolling along a beach in Galveston, staying safe as a pedestrian is important. It is important to understand some tips to help you stay safe while walking around during your vacation.

Use designated crosswalks

Always use marked crosswalks when crossing the street. Crosswalks provide a safe place for pedestrians to cross, and drivers are more likely to expect people there. Jaywalking can be dangerous, especially in unfamiliar areas where drivers may not see you coming.

Follow traffic signals

Pay attention to pedestrian traffic signals at intersections. Wait for the “Walk” signal before crossing, even if it seems clear. In Texas, traffic can be fast-moving, and vehicles may not stop if the light is not in your favor. Following signals helps ensure that you cross at the right time.

Be cautious of turning vehicles

Vehicles making right or left turns at intersections pose a risk to pedestrians. Even when you have the right of way, some drivers may not see you. Make eye contact with drivers whenever possible to confirm that they see you before stepping into the road.

Stay visible, especially at night

If you’re out walking at night, wear bright or reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to drivers. Consider carrying a small flashlight to help you see and be seen. Many areas in Texas are not well-lit, and wearing dark clothes makes it harder for drivers to spot you.

Avoid distractions

While it’s tempting to look at your phone for directions or take pictures, avoid distractions while walking near traffic. Stay alert and keep your eyes on your surroundings. Listening to music or texting can take your focus away from potential hazards, putting you at risk.

Walk on sidewalks and paths

Stick to sidewalks and designated walking paths whenever possible. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. This allows you to see oncoming cars and move out of the way if needed.

Staying safe as a pedestrian during your vacation means being aware of multiple different things. By staying alert and taking these simple steps, you can enjoy your time exploring Texas without unnecessary risks.

