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Free Consultations | No Fee Unless We Win | Aggressive Representation

Who to hold responsible following a truck crash

Semi-truck drivers are more important than ever, with today’s supply shortages and increasing demand for consumer goods. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons there simply are not enough semi-truck drivers in Houston and across the U.S. available to deliver goods to store shelves. Products are scarce in some regions, including in Texas and the training of new truck drivers has been on the downswing with more truckers are retiring. What makes matters worse is when an existing trucker causes an 18-wheeler accident.

Filing a negligence lawsuit after a truck accident

If you are struck be a semi-truck, it is likely that you have suffered severe injuries. After all, a standard automobile is simply no match for a fully loaded semi-truck that weighs 80,000 pounds. When this happens, you are likely interested in learning more about filing a personal injury lawsuit. If so, it is important that all responsible parties are named as defendants. Truck accidents are often based on the theory of negligence. This means the defendant owed you a duty, which was breached. This breach caused you to suffer damages and but for the breach these damages would not have occurred.

Who can be held liable in a truck accident?

There are a variety of potential defendants in a truck accident case. They include:

  • The truck driver;
  • The trucking company;
  • The shipping company;
  • The truck mechanic; and
  • The truck manufacturer;

Much of this liability is based on the concept of respondeat superior. This basically means that an employer is liable for the actions of its employees while the employee is performing their job-related duties and obligations.

Learn more about truck accidents

If you are involved in a truck accident it is likely that you are lucky to be alive. The serious injuries you sustained in a truck accident deserve serious compensation. Before pursuing a lawsuit it is essential that you identify all potential defendants so you can seek all the compensation you are entitled to.


