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Free Consultations | No Fee Unless We Win | Aggressive Representation

3 tips for driving safely in traffic

If you are like many Americans, you spend a portion of your day commuting in traffic. According to NPR, as of 2018, the average person in the U.S. spent 26.9 minutes commuting every day.

Driving in traffic can be frustrating, and it also puts you at risk for involvement in a car accident. By following some basic guidelines for driving safely in traffic, you can have a safer, smoother commute.

  1. Avoid aggressive driving

As you drive, refrain rom weaving in and out of lanes and try to stay in one lane consistently as much as possible. You should also maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you to prevent a read-end collision. If someone cuts you off or makes a mistake on the freeway, try to stay calm and focus on the road in front of you.

  1. Watch other cars closely

Keep a close eye on the traffic ahead of you as you commute. When the cars in front of you start to brake and slow down, remove your foot from the accelerator. Try to slow down gradually before braking instead of hitting your car’s brakes abruptly.

  1. Follow driving fundamentals

Following basic driving fundamentals can help you stay safe while driving in traffic. Always use your blinkers when you merge or change lanes and use your car’s mirrors to monitor areas surrounding your vehicle. Always do a head check to look at your blind spot before you move your vehicle in any direction.

