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Free Consultations | No Fee Unless We Win | Aggressive Representation

Helping your children be safer drivers

The turning point when your children can begin driving and you do not have to take them everywhere can be both liberating and terrifying. If you have teenage children in Texas who are learning how to drive, one of your primary concerns is probably their safety and responsibility while driving. 

Anything you teach your children about driving can be positively reinforced through your example. Your effort to exemplify the expectations you have set for your kids can help them develop positive habits long before it is their turn to drive. 

The connection between attitude and action 

According to Geico, one of the most important things you can teach your children is to have the right attitude about driving. Research has shown that if your teenager is involved in an accident, it is more likely that the culprit was a matter of his or her maturity and attitude toward driving rather than a lack of skills. If you talk to your children about how driving is a privilege and one that requires their full attention and focus, they may be encouraged to treat that privilege responsibly and respectfully. 

Creating expectations and guidelines 

Another valuable way to encourage your children to be safer drivers is to create an agreement between you and them regarding their driving habits. Create guidelines and designate consequences for misbehavior such as having too many passengers, using their phone while driving or getting a speeding ticket. Discuss the importance of practicing vigilance, maintaining order in their vehicle when friends are traveling with them and avoiding nighttime driving where possible. 

When you are aware of what you can do to help your teenagers prepare to be safe and responsible drivers, you can implement these own behaviors into your life and begin setting a good example. For more information, if you or someone you know has been hurt in a car accident, visit our web page. 

